This Week in Bullet Buys

This post is going to show that Alex Jones and I are NOT the only lunatics tracking these Government bullet purchases.

Evidence the first:   Two Congressmen- Rep. Tim Huelskamp who is a Republican from Kansas, and Sen. Tom Coburn, a Republican from Oklahoma, both expresses concerns and demanded answers from the Dept. of Homeland Security.  The responses they got were ridiculous.  DHS claims that the purchases were to save money.  The problem with that is two fold:  The bullets the bought are NOT designed for target practice, they are a much more expensive version, and they bought the ammo equivalent of a 24 year war.  How is any of that in the interest of saving money?

Evidence the second:  Another article explaining that the Social Security Administration will get 174K bullets.  Their main job?  Cracking down on government waste and fraud.   What are they preparing for?

These two articles were NOT put our by Infowars, and obviously those Congressmen are real.

And there is more!  As Roger sang in 101 Dalmations “If (this) doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will”.  Along with the purchases of a disgusting amount of ammo, the DHS has also contracted with a company that has designed desensitizing targets to use their newly acquired bullets on.  These targets are of pregnant women, old people, and kids.  The purpose is to eliminate the hesitation of pulling the trigger when innocents are involved.  This is truly heinous stuff.

And finally, the FBI is getting into the act, with 100 million rounds going to them as well. All of this, mind you, while we still can’t close our budget, and the administration contemplates various forms of gun control.  Very strange combination of events.

Keep your ears and eyes open.  This stuff is really happening.

“Why the Bullet Buys”, Congress cries.

And you thought I was the only conspiracy nut worried about this.  As I have been following for months now (see earlier posts under Bullet Buys), the Department of Homeland Security has for months now been buying a CRAP TON of bullets, which they claim is for training purposes.  The bullets they are buying are called Hollow Points, and for those of you in the know, those are not for target practice, unless the target is turning your head into a 1985 Gallagher routine (Previous joke requires a time machine).  This story was all over the FFP, and Alex Jones, as usual, was on top of it from the get go.  As I saw it, just a regular 70’s obsessed dude trying to figure out life, I was reading about this and yet NO ONE on any traditional news source was talking about this.  I found it very disturbing, and it made my head go to strange paranoid places I dare not travel.

Then I see this article and it made me scream Hallelujah.  Seriously I did, ask my neighbors.   Congressman Lance, A Republician from New Jersey, is asking the Congressional Oversight Committee to look into this purchase, and have Secretary Napolitano give answers.  Thank God someone is saying something.  You should read the Infowars article because there is lots of crazy stuff.  It made me realize this:

When Bush and Cheney were in power, and they were running roughshod all over the constitution with the Patriot Act, Gitmo, and Iraq, it was the Demcrats what called them out on their shiz.  Now that Obama is in power, with his NDAA, Drones killing American citizens, and prison purchases, it’s the Republicans doing the barking.

The question I get asked most is “Where are you going with this”?  Well my point is thus:  You can’t get caught up in the political game.  That’s what it is, a game.  They aren’t working for you, and they only speak up when it is in their best political interest.  Have a point of view, have conviction in your beliefs, and defend them, just don’t trust those in power to do the right thing.  Yesterday’s friends are tomorrow’s enemies.

More Government Bullets?!

In the midst of all the anti-gun rhetoric from the administration, the Dept. of Homeland Security is at it again, poised to purchase an additional 21.6 MILLION rounds of ammunition.  The claim is the ammo will be used for training.

Alex Jones (yes THAT Alex Jones, the lunatic from the Piers Morgan interview.  When not on TV, he does some of the best non-main stream news out there) and his crew at infowars have put together some shocking, yet documented numbers.

At the height of the Iraq war, the military was using 5.5 million rounds a MONTH.  They now have an arsenal, accumulated over the last 10 months, to wage war for 30 years!  WHAT?  That’s INSANE!

Not only that, but while hey mull an assault rifle ban on civilians, they purchased 7,000 fully automatic rifles for themselves.

There is much more, so read the article.  Those of you who read this blog regularly know I have documented the government’s purchasing power over the last few months, but if you haven’t, read here.

Iran’s Fukushima (Real Name: Isfahan)

This one is bad.  According to news sources, the city of Isfahan in Iran is being evacuated due to “pollution”.  “Why is this troubling” you ask?  Well, it turns out this is one of the sites housing Iran’s secret nuclear program.  While there have been pollution problems in the past, evacuating the city because of excess smoke seems like overkill, unless the pollution is radioactive gas leaking from a cracked underground reactor.  That is the speculation at this point, and it is not unfounded.  In November, several workers were taken to specialized medical facilities, showing signs consistent with radioactive exposure.  Iran officially denied that this had anything to do with a radiation leak.  Uh huh.  Oh one more thing, this facility has been targeted by unknowns because of it being a nuclear facility, and there are satellite images of explosions.  You think there might be structural damage?

In related news, this nuclear facility sits on an extremely active fault line, so it’s literally only a matter of time until there is an event like Japan’s Fukushima disaster, minus the water to cool it down (temporarily).

The Grungy Gang Part Two – Scamburglars

For you regular readers on the FFP, you are aware that I just posted a story about an all female crime gang.  This post was originally in the form of a very dismissive Hollywood Pitch, but I am starting to come around on my own idea.  I originally saw this story as a drama, or a Movie of the Week (HI LIFETIME!), but that vision has changed.  I now see this as a hilarious caper film, where four hot aspiring criminals bungle every heist they pull off.

Take this story about 3 guys in Garland Texas who literally run into a store, grabbed 3 displays of watches, and run out the front door.  In the span of 13 seconds, they get 80 watches nabbing 19k in the process.  That’s the WHOLE story!  My math indicates that’s 1500 dollars a second!  And these idiots have completely baffled police.  They dont have leads, or even know what kind of car they were driving. This reminds me of the scene in The Big Lebowski where Walter tells The Dude that in order to get the ransom money back he is going to “Chase them down and beat it out of them” to which The Dude replies sarcastically  “That’s fucking ingenious if I understand it correctly”.  Then Walter quite eloquently retorts “The beauty of this is in it’s simplicity.  Once a plan gets too complex everything can go wrong”.   I always though this was hysterical because it was so stupid, then these three guys come along and execute that plan flawlessly.

You can watch the 13 second security cam footage where you clearly see a very large gentleman and his two buddies, run in and scamper out.  It’s REALLY funny.  Remember, I don’t use all caps unless I mean it.  You ever see a fat dude IN JEANS running out of a store with 50 lbs of gold in his arms?  Its life altering.  Insert Melissa McCarthy, Anna Faris, Wanda Sykes (you need a black one, and I have to reluctantly admit she’s hilarious) and the lovably goofy Kristen Schaal.  I’m totally serious.  Like seriously serious.  E-mail if you want to discuss