Never pee in the wind (in Piedmont, Oklahoma)

In Piedmont Oklahoma (pronounced Peed Mont.  It will be funny later), a 3 year old “In Potty Training” was outside playing, as kids of that age do.  He has to take a whiz, but unfortunately he hasn’t quite nailed down the process.  He can’t make it to a toilet, but luckily he is outside, so his mom tells him to let er fly.  What the mom didn’t know was that Officer a-hole was on patrol, keeping things safe.  Nothing ruins a nice quiet neighborhood like a toddler peeing outside.  This guy does the right thing, and fines the kid 1,000 dollars for every year he’s been on this earth (around 3 grand).  Public Urination.  The officer did cut the kid a break, and didn’t slap the cuffs on him.  His mom was there for crissakes.

Oh did I mention they were on their own property?  They were on their own property.

Full Story Here

An old man and his junk

I never thought I would root for a KKK member (I was tempted to say Former, but I don’t think that concept exists), but this guy is also a veteran.  He is 79, and his wife is sick and on several medications.  To make ends meet at his advanced age, he has taken to collecting junk and selling it.  Well in the town he lives in, that just is not tolerated.  City hall came down on him, and it was pay 500 dollars or else.  He tried to clean it up, but couldn’t.  After 6 months, they gave him 30 days in jail.  30 days in jail, with black people.  Not a great situation for him.  All of this because the town can now dictate what a person can or can not have in their yard.

We are all Government test subjects

It is stories like this that make everyone lose faith in their government.  To sum it up, the story goes something like this:  A woman goes through her life, and she battles all sorts of cancers.  Why does this happen?  She looks into it, and what do you know it turns out that in the 50’s, the Army was secretly testing radioactive particles on parts of St. Louis.  They wanted to use a city that was similar to a Russian city.  So they do this, knowing FULL WELL that people would be seriously hurt long term.  And they were. Oh did I mention these neighborhoods were poor, and mostly black?  It must have slipped my mind.  Well they were.  I am sure it was just a coincidence.

What upsets me is this is not uncommon or a rare occurrence.

When I was a kid, I lived by a Nuclear Power Plant.  One of the first in the nation believe it or not.  That power plant gave millions to the school district, meaning I had private school education in a public school setting.  People fished in the cooling lake.  “Everything is fine” they say.  I always remembered the water tasting funny, like almost oily.  My mom always kept some in the fridge to keep cold.  We even had lots of Kool-Aid growing up which killed the taste.  10 years later it turns out the cooling lake water was contaminated with radioactive material, and that material seeped into the ground water.  Whole town had been drinking it for years, and the plant knew all about it.

I expect that from a corporation, but not from my Government…but isn’t the Government just a corporation these days?

Obama Prison Purchase

The Obama Administration just purchased a prison in my home state of Illinois.  The Thompson prison has sat empty since the early 90’s.  The state government had enough to build it, but ran out of money when it came to staffing it.  So there it sits.  Enter the Federal Government.  They have reached a deal with Ill. Governor Pat Quinn.  Ever since talk of the Gitmo detainees being moved to Illinois started surfacing, people have been wary of this prison being sold to the Feds for just that purpose.  The Republicans brought it up, Obama denied.  The Democrats brought it up.  Obama denies that it will ever be used for Gitmo prisoners.  You know what?  I believe him.  Not because I am a raging liberal with a bleeding heart agenda, but I truly believe something else is at play.

You may remember my posts on the DHS ammo purchase (start here and here).  Well I truly think something is going on.  My totally paranoid conspiracy theory is:  These will be used for us, or at the very least, people who oppose the government…IE domestic “terrorists”.   Well what does Obama say it will be used for?  His answer “Domestic Criminals”.  Nothing vague about that.

Willy Wonka’s NWO

In a weird mash-up of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and 1984, Nestle has hidden 6 GPS trackers in various UK candy bars.  The contest is just like the movie, if you find the “Golden Ticket” IE tracking devices, you win 10K pounds.  The trick is that the company will know EXACTLY when you open it, and where you are when you win.  What fun is that?  I say build a factory where the six kids (it has to be kids) battle each other for factory dominance.  All the while some unknown, all powerful force is watching them (like the Oompa Loompas but not nearly as cute or musical).  All but one are mangled in strangely comical accidents, and the victor becomes CEO of Nestle. Normally I am pretty cynical, but I like this idea.

Where is Slugworth when you need him?