This Week in Bullet Buys

This post is going to show that Alex Jones and I are NOT the only lunatics tracking these Government bullet purchases.

Evidence the first:   Two Congressmen- Rep. Tim Huelskamp who is a Republican from Kansas, and Sen. Tom Coburn, a Republican from Oklahoma, both expresses concerns and demanded answers from the Dept. of Homeland Security.  The responses they got were ridiculous.  DHS claims that the purchases were to save money.  The problem with that is two fold:  The bullets the bought are NOT designed for target practice, they are a much more expensive version, and they bought the ammo equivalent of a 24 year war.  How is any of that in the interest of saving money?

Evidence the second:  Another article explaining that the Social Security Administration will get 174K bullets.  Their main job?  Cracking down on government waste and fraud.   What are they preparing for?

These two articles were NOT put our by Infowars, and obviously those Congressmen are real.

And there is more!  As Roger sang in 101 Dalmations “If (this) doesn’t scare you, no evil thing will”.  Along with the purchases of a disgusting amount of ammo, the DHS has also contracted with a company that has designed desensitizing targets to use their newly acquired bullets on.  These targets are of pregnant women, old people, and kids.  The purpose is to eliminate the hesitation of pulling the trigger when innocents are involved.  This is truly heinous stuff.

And finally, the FBI is getting into the act, with 100 million rounds going to them as well. All of this, mind you, while we still can’t close our budget, and the administration contemplates various forms of gun control.  Very strange combination of events.

Keep your ears and eyes open.  This stuff is really happening.