“Why the Bullet Buys”, Congress cries.

And you thought I was the only conspiracy nut worried about this.  As I have been following for months now (see earlier posts under Bullet Buys), the Department of Homeland Security has for months now been buying a CRAP TON of bullets, which they claim is for training purposes.  The bullets they are buying are called Hollow Points, and for those of you in the know, those are not for target practice, unless the target is turning your head into a 1985 Gallagher routine (Previous joke requires a time machine).  This story was all over the FFP, and Alex Jones, as usual, was on top of it from the get go.  As I saw it, just a regular 70’s obsessed dude trying to figure out life, I was reading about this and yet NO ONE on any traditional news source was talking about this.  I found it very disturbing, and it made my head go to strange paranoid places I dare not travel.

Then I see this article and it made me scream Hallelujah.  Seriously I did, ask my neighbors.   Congressman Lance, A Republician from New Jersey, is asking the Congressional Oversight Committee to look into this purchase, and have Secretary Napolitano give answers.  Thank God someone is saying something.  You should read the Infowars article because there is lots of crazy stuff.  It made me realize this:

When Bush and Cheney were in power, and they were running roughshod all over the constitution with the Patriot Act, Gitmo, and Iraq, it was the Demcrats what called them out on their shiz.  Now that Obama is in power, with his NDAA, Drones killing American citizens, and prison purchases, it’s the Republicans doing the barking.

The question I get asked most is “Where are you going with this”?  Well my point is thus:  You can’t get caught up in the political game.  That’s what it is, a game.  They aren’t working for you, and they only speak up when it is in their best political interest.  Have a point of view, have conviction in your beliefs, and defend them, just don’t trust those in power to do the right thing.  Yesterday’s friends are tomorrow’s enemies.

More Government Bullets?!

In the midst of all the anti-gun rhetoric from the administration, the Dept. of Homeland Security is at it again, poised to purchase an additional 21.6 MILLION rounds of ammunition.  The claim is the ammo will be used for training.

Alex Jones (yes THAT Alex Jones, the lunatic from the Piers Morgan interview.  When not on TV, he does some of the best non-main stream news out there) and his crew at infowars have put together some shocking, yet documented numbers.

At the height of the Iraq war, the military was using 5.5 million rounds a MONTH.  They now have an arsenal, accumulated over the last 10 months, to wage war for 30 years!  WHAT?  That’s INSANE!

Not only that, but while hey mull an assault rifle ban on civilians, they purchased 7,000 fully automatic rifles for themselves.

There is much more, so read the article.  Those of you who read this blog regularly know I have documented the government’s purchasing power over the last few months, but if you haven’t, read here.

Third time is an act of war *2nd Update*

The Social Security Administration (but not the others) have responded to the ammunition claims.  Even the Office of the Inspector General have gotten in on the act.  It all sounds so absolutely ridiculous to me.  First they needed the ammo for target practice, then they needed it to arm the officers.  Something does not jive.

Third time is an act of war *UPDATE*

So I have been scratching my head, wondering why all these government agencies have been buying all this ammunition (See earlier posts).  Well I think I may have gotten my answer.  Read this, and tell me the pieces don’t add up.

Third time is an act of war

The national conversation has been about Gun Control.  Regulating the way that citizens access and procure firearms.  I am not going to pick a side there, that is irrelevant.  What is interesting to me is that while talking about that, three separate government agencies have ordered an obscene amount of Hollow Point ammunition.  Hollow Point ammo CAN be used for target practice, and in fact they may be.  I have no idea what the actual intent is, however when I looked at the agencies ordering, it made my eyebrow go up.

As usual, Ales Jones was on top of this from the beginning.  It all started with the Department of Homeland Security committing to a large ammunition contract.

Now the DHS and ICE I get.  One could understand why they need lots of bullets, hollow point or not, for target practice or not.  The second report described how the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration contracted for a large number of ammo.  Okay, for me that’s a stretch, but I could even buy into them needing the ammo for something ocean/atmosphere related.

When you get to the third agency, that’s where the sell job becomes next to impossible.  The Social Security Administration has requested 174k rounds of hollow point bullets.  Read the article.  Alex and his staff do a great job of building a pretty compelling argument for social unrest being the mitigating factor.  Economic Collapse?  Presidential Campaigns?  An Assassination?  Who knows, but they are gearing up for something.