Zombie Apocalypse: Day 150

It’s news articles like these that are either just terribly written news pieces, absolutely devoid of any journalistic ability OR cover-ups for genuine weird crap that is happening out in the world.  Odds are it’s probably the first (unfortunately) but let’s say it is the second.  If that is the case, then just what the smell is this?

Let me attempt to review the highlights of this story:

1.  A woman is in custody after ramming her car into another car outside Bethesda Naval Medical.

2.  An officer (yep another police officer) shoots at this woman, no reason given.  I can’t imagine that crashing into another car warrants shooting a woman.  I got hit today by an idiot, and I didn’t even flash the piece much less fire on the fool.

3.  On top of shooting at her, he hurt himself going after her with a baton.  They don’t even mention anything happening to the woman.  This means either the cops kept that part out of the papers OR she was impervious to physical damage.

4.  The woman was seen eating a bar of soap.

There is NOTHING about this story that makes sense.  It falls into the category I am labeling Zombie Apocalypse because while I don’t think she is a member of the living dead, she is either on drugs, pharmaceuticals, Bath Salts. LSD, or whatever they are blaming these sorts of attacks on.  I mean what is different about the last few stories I have reported on, versus a real movie-like zombie attack?  Something weird is happening, and it is happening at an accelerated pace.

Zombie Apocalypse: Day 149

If this doesn’t stink of police cover-up, I don’t know what does.  This is a zombie attack, plain and simple.  Let’s review the facts over the past month:

Fact #1

October 9th, a University of Alabama student supposedly drops LSD, strips naked, and attacks two people in a car, tries to bite a woman’s arm, pounds on the police glass where an officer confronts him.  Witnesses say that the man, Gil Coller, slowly approaches the officer, who backs up several times before shooting Gil in the chest.

Fact #2

On October 21st in Tampa Florida, an irrational naked woman goes up to two officers at a “social gathering”.  Apparently she had a weapon.  Details are sketchy, but she is also shot dead. Keep in mind this is not far from where the infamous “bath Salts” zombie was shot on a highway.

Fact #3

Also on the 21st of October, in San Fransisco the police were called to investigate two supposedly “drug fueled” individuals setting fire to a house.  The two men were found naked (see a theme here?) and destroying the windows, as if they were trying to get to something inside.  One of the men had a rifle, and the police used this as reason to shoot the men dead.  During their investigation, they found a blood trail that lead to the backyard where they found 3 decapitated birds.  I would imagine they were partially eaten.  One of the neighbors was interviewed, and said it was like his normal neighbor had just “gone crazy” for no reason.

A few things strike me:  1.  They were all naked.  2.  They tried to eat living animals/humans, 3.  The reason is always drugs of some kind.  This seems convenient since to the common person who doesn’t take drugs, it would seem totally believable that they would make you do insane things, and 4.  they were all going after police, and shot by police.  What if police hadn’t been there?  What if they had targeted someone else?  Why police?  Is there a new drug that is truly making people hate clothes and crave human flesh?  This is all way too weird to ignore.

Zombie Apocalypse Day 56

Ok I know I am behind the times here, but this zombie apocalypse is not limited to simple turning human beings into 1950′s horror icons.  This is about rampant, out of control diseases that were once only thought to be fantasies.   We now have the Bubonic Plague to worry about?!  How and why is this happening?  Are we experiments?  Is this due to the over prescription of Anti-biotics?  Is Mother Nature flexing her muscle?