Zombie Apocalypse: Day 150

It’s news articles like these that are either just terribly written news pieces, absolutely devoid of any journalistic ability OR cover-ups for genuine weird crap that is happening out in the world.  Odds are it’s probably the first (unfortunately) but let’s say it is the second.  If that is the case, then just what the smell is this?

Let me attempt to review the highlights of this story:

1.  A woman is in custody after ramming her car into another car outside Bethesda Naval Medical.

2.  An officer (yep another police officer) shoots at this woman, no reason given.  I can’t imagine that crashing into another car warrants shooting a woman.  I got hit today by an idiot, and I didn’t even flash the piece much less fire on the fool.

3.  On top of shooting at her, he hurt himself going after her with a baton.  They don’t even mention anything happening to the woman.  This means either the cops kept that part out of the papers OR she was impervious to physical damage.

4.  The woman was seen eating a bar of soap.

There is NOTHING about this story that makes sense.  It falls into the category I am labeling Zombie Apocalypse because while I don’t think she is a member of the living dead, she is either on drugs, pharmaceuticals, Bath Salts. LSD, or whatever they are blaming these sorts of attacks on.  I mean what is different about the last few stories I have reported on, versus a real movie-like zombie attack?  Something weird is happening, and it is happening at an accelerated pace.