Alfred Hitchcock presents: Flying Fungal Avian Invaders (There has to be a catchier title).

I will try to refrain from all the obvious comments.  In Kentucky, due to unknown reasons, thousands of birds have made Hopkinsville their home.  Much like the movie, they are attacking citizens, pooping everywhere, and basically terrorizing the town.  So what did the town do?  They hired a guy to take care of the problem.  This pro decided it would be a good idea to blast large bottle rocket type incendiaries at the trees, scaring the birds who then leave…and land on the nearest tree without a maniac shooting large bottle rockets at them.

Here is the twist the FFP has become famous for:  Other that being a general nuisance, these birds crap.  A LOT.  The bird droppings can cause a fungal disease called histoplasmosis.  It is dangerous to humans with compromised immune systems, and it’s fatal to dogs!  The poop lands on the soil, thus contaminating it.  It can take years for the soil to become healthy again.  It can be cured in dogs, but its expensive and takes months.

Russians refuse GMO Corn

This one has all the ingredients to look like an anti-American attack on one our biggest food exports:  Monsanto’s Round-Up Ready GMO corn.  The French and the Russians collaborating to take down the their  true nemesis.  The problem is, they are 100% right.

The French did a study on Monsanto’s corn, an extensive one that lasted two years and showed that even small, trace amounts of Round-Up (their patented weed killer) causes cancer.  The Russians saw this study and said “No Thank You” and now refuse to import this stuff.  (The most extensive study done in the states, was 90 days.  You know why?  Former Monsanto executives sit on the FDA governing board.  You know the FDA right?  The regulating body of all the food and drugs in the country).  For all of you that are hip to the jive here, know that independent groups in the states have been saying this for years.  We are to the point that there is a proposition on the California Ballot that will require GMO labeling on all food sources.  This is a win.

For those of you who do not know, here is quick history:  Monsanto is first and foremost a chemical company.  You have heard of DDT and Agent Orange right?  Their babies.  Oh, and the Manhattan Project? (development of the Nuclear Bomb) Yeah they were a major sponsor of the research.  Point is:  Pretty bad company.

Well these guys create a corn seed that is immune to Round-Up, which is their own patented weed killer.  This stuff kills EVERY thing around it, except the corn.  They achieve this by putting some of the Round-Up into the very genetics of the corn itself.  That means every bite you take have trace amounts of this stuff.  The same stuff that causes cancer in….yep trace amounts.

How much corn can possibly be genetically modified?  Oh about 95%.

So stay away from corn on the cob, case closed.  Look at the ingredient list on any of your household foods.  Corn syrup, corn starch, high fructose corn syrup.  All derivatives of corn.  It is literally everywhere.

Who would have thought the French and the Russians…even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Popcorn Lung? That’s too silly a name for something serious.

Popcorn Lung.  The savoriest of all afflictions.  Yes it’s real.  Apparently if you inhale the artificial butter flavoring (Diacetyl) for long enough (in this case, it was 3 times a day for ten years), you can collapse your lungs around 50%.  We are talking about incidental inhalation during consumption (eating).  This is CRAZY!  How can something so dangerous (harmful) make it past food trials?

The reason this made the news is because the man afflicted successfully sued for 7 million dollars. He took these three companies to court:  Gilster-Mary Lee Corp., and Dillon Companies Inc., (the manufacturer) and The Kroger Co. (The supermarket).  You know what tastes the same but is will not cause lung cancer?  Buttered Popcorn flavored Jelly Bellys.  Those things are amazing.

Anyway, guess I have to do an update:

1.  Pertussis – “Whooping Cough”
2.  Fatal rash caused by staph infection
3.  “Flesh Eating Bacteria”, also a staph infection
4.  The Bubonic Plague
5.  Ebola
6.  Capnocytophaga – Woman lost hands and feet from dog saliva
7.  Untreatable Gonorrhea
8.  Kid died from a brain destroying ameoba, found in a lake
9.  West Nile Virus
10.  Hantavirus
11.  Rabies
12.  Typhus
13.  Legionnaires Disease
14.  New Jersey Superbug
15.  Popcorn Lung

Fukushima is still a thing

Out of site, out of mind has been the theme of this Tokyo tragedy.  The bazillion gallons of radioactive water they let poison our ocean is starting to show effects.  This video shows how TEPCO is testing fish within 20 Kilometers (12 miles for my US readers), and they have found levels 380 times the government limit.  That is NOT an amount that will disappear any time soon.  They are going to start testing fish and shell fish 50 Kilometers (31 again for the metric impaired), and we will see what that reveals.

Black Hawk Down Jackets

Special Ops is conducting training exercises in Downtown Minneapolis.   They want to practice in an Urban Environment.  Hmmmm how many American-like cities are there in the Middle East?  Methinks (and I am not alone) that this training might be for us.  As I pointed out here, here and here, several agencies are gearing up for domestic riots, and civil unrest.  Just yesterday I read this article by Jim Rogers, a highly respected investment adviser, who says that everything is going to come to a head after this upcoming election.  He is just one guy, but it is just another warning in an alarming trend that the higher powers are preparing for something.  Even the US government sent this warning to the top financial agencies, telling them to put plans in place for the collapse of the economy.