If you get the urge to kill, it might be your cat

Everyone who knows the Funklord, knows he is a dog person.  I don’t dislike cats, I recognize their right to exist, they just aren’t my favorite.  Lucky me.  Turns out there is a certain parasite that ONLY breeds in a cat’s stomach.  This parasite can find it way into  human body in several ways, not the least of which is through their feces, IE changing the litter box.  This little worm hitches a ride to your brain trust, and proceeds to adjust its chemistry.  According to the article, it has “been linked to brain cancer, schizophrenia and personality disorders, may inflame the brain or tamper with its chemistry…”.  I should probably give me mom a call…

Boom goes the Wisconsonite

I don’t know if you have been keeping up with the weird rumbles in Wisconsin, but they have returned.  This article from Infowars tells all about how local residents have felt tremors that were like “a giant walking” or “a huge machine pounding the ground”.  I have no idea if this is paranormal, but it certainly is weird, especially since as you can see in the article, it has been examined by all sorts of experts.

One time is happenstance, two times is coincidence, three times will see the earth give birth to a giant Moth-like creature.