I’ve got some Sandy in my throat

There is now a third reported illness that is afflicting the residents of Staten Island in the wake of Hurricane Sandy:  The Sandy Cough.  Despite its name, this is not a beach related sickness.  In fact, I think the news is running out of things to report on, and have literally just made this up out of thin air. Now don’t get me wrong, I think this is a real thing, caused by all the mold, debris, and microscopic bits or crap in the air.  I have relatives and friends in NY and I want to see them rebuild more than anything.  I am just saying that the NEWS people are totally fabricating stories.  This “Sandy Cough” is really just a rehash of the “Far Rockaway Cough” I reported on a few weeks ago.   Not just a rehash mind you, but they directly plagiarized themselves!  I don’t use exclamation marks unless I mean it.   How uncreative do you have to be?  I mean they couldn’t even find a sexy name to call it (Like the Hurricane Hack, the Staten Island Sibilate, or the Extreme Wind-Caused Wheeze).  Those are all Trademarked BTW.

In truth I think all of these respiratory diseases may have all derived from Popcorn Lung.  One more illness in NY and I will have to make a countdown list.

The Far Rockaway Cough (in Faraway New York)

Looks like New York is still in the thick of it.  I previously reported on the stomach flu that was ripping through the shelters, and in a similar vein, there is a new affliction that is plaguing New Yorkers:  The Far Rockaway Cough.  This isn’t a normal cough caused by a virus.  All the mold, and various crap that has been, and continues to be, stirred up by Sandy and the cleanup is going into people’s lungs and causing various respiratory illnesses.

Due to the flooding, the wood structures are rotting.  Those spores, even if you are not usually allergic, will get into your lungs and cause a myriad of problems.

The real downside is there isn’t a cure besides getting out of the situation.

South-West Nile Outbreak: Dallas Edition Day 15

I can’t believe this is still going on, but it appears that the West Nile virus is in full outbreak mode.  1,590 cases, 66 deaths, and half of all reported are in Texas.  According to the report, and this still baffles my mind, the hot, dry weather is causing the mosquito boom.  I always thought they bred in old, stagnant water.  This is why I got out of entomology.

In New York, and this is interesting, they are spraying the rich neighborhoods for the pathogen carrying insects.  The Upper West Side is being coated with pesticide that is in such a small dose “It does not pose a threat to humans”, however they are telling everyone to stay inside, and to remove toys and clothes that are outside.  That sounds completely safe to me!