Obama Prison Purchase

The Obama Administration just purchased a prison in my home state of Illinois.  The Thompson prison has sat empty since the early 90’s.  The state government had enough to build it, but ran out of money when it came to staffing it.  So there it sits.  Enter the Federal Government.  They have reached a deal with Ill. Governor Pat Quinn.  Ever since talk of the Gitmo detainees being moved to Illinois started surfacing, people have been wary of this prison being sold to the Feds for just that purpose.  The Republicans brought it up, Obama denied.  The Democrats brought it up.  Obama denies that it will ever be used for Gitmo prisoners.  You know what?  I believe him.  Not because I am a raging liberal with a bleeding heart agenda, but I truly believe something else is at play.

You may remember my posts on the DHS ammo purchase (start here and here).  Well I truly think something is going on.  My totally paranoid conspiracy theory is:  These will be used for us, or at the very least, people who oppose the government…IE domestic “terrorists”.   Well what does Obama say it will be used for?  His answer “Domestic Criminals”.  Nothing vague about that.

Mid-West nile Virus Outbreak Day 3

Also known as Egypt Fever, The West Nile Virus has been ripping through the Midwest and Texas this summer.  As you can see from this article, 90% of the Mosquitoes tested were positive for West Nile.

The real question is, how can we absorb the tax burden of vaccinating all these mosquitoes?

Mid-West Nile

I was never convinced West Nile was a serious threat, but this story comes from theFunklord’s old stomping grounds.  The mayor gets West Nile while recovering from Cancer.  He was not the first, as apparently others have been effected in the neighboring towns.

Every article is the same:  Some “rare” disease rears it head, an expert explains how the chances of the disease effecting anyone are “one-in-a-million”, and the report goes on to detail all the people that have been infected.

Again, I have no idea why so many of these diseases are making the news, but they are.  Is the Media seeking them out because they are so rampant, or are they rampant so they have no choice but to report?