I have reported on this supposedly rare condition two times (here and here) in the past year. Doesn’t seem so rare. The brain eating amoebas are still getting airtime. This time, it is in Florida. A 12 year-old boy was kneeboarding (whatever that is) with friends and became infected. The weird thing is that the amoeba only lives in freshwater, AND you can drink contaminated water, just not get it in your nose (which is close to your brain). The reasons are not understood, but under rare conditions this amoeba causes brain inflammation and the deterioration of brain tissue.
Author Archives: funklord
Why Cows?
The FFP took a little bit of a hiatus, and now we are back and better than ever. I am so glad this story appeared on not only a CBS site, but on a very popular aggregate site as well. See this crazy stuff has been going on for decades, and the people who reported it, and those who suspected something suspicious were labeled as cooks and weirdos. Let me elaborate:
For some strange reason, all across this country, cows are basically being cut up under very strange circumstances. Who would want to cut up random cows?! And why cows? Look at that picture above. They are really cute in a gross and stinky way. You might have heard of this phenomenon as “Cow Mutilations”.
Now before you dismiss this totally out of hand, know this: This was reported by CBS. Here is a list of the strange occurrences that are common all across the country:
1. Cows killed and various random parts are being removed: Eyes, Ears, tongue.
2. All the reproductive organs are removed, including coring out the anus.
2. They are removed with surgical precision.
3. There is no blood or fluid. The wounds are micro-cauterized as if removed with a laser.
4. There is no evidence of ritualistic killings, nor is it from a wild animal.
5. It happens for a series of days
So that begs the question: Who is doing this and why? I think the quick answers are what take credibility away from the topic, but something/someone is doing it.
Seems like a lot of trouble to make homemade hot dogs (tongues, ears, and a-holes).
Stylish Slugs
I know everyone has their favorite slug. Hell ever since Vincent Vega donned the UC Santa Cruz shirt in Pulp Fiction, mine has been the Banana Slug (See Above Picture). I just thought they were a bold choice as a college mascot, second only to the Golden Gophers.  I got to see one of these critters in real life on my first visit to The Mystery Spot in Santa Cruz. They are HUGE for slugs! I was used to caterpillars, snails, earthworms, and the like. The typical link-shaped squirmy creature. I had a mini, albeit masculine, freakout when I first saw these guys. They really look like living bananas, much like a Walking Stick looks like a stick with legs. And man, do they stick to concrete.
Anyway I digress. You can imagine my disappointment/excitement when a cooler, and much more flamboyant slug was discovered in the mountains of Australia:
It is truly, bigger, stronger, faster, and more stylish than the lame California slug.
Not to nerd out too much, but the one amazing thing about both of these species is that they are both found in very small regions of the world, on opposite ends of the earth (almost exactly). Brothers? Cousins? Former Lovers? All are possible scenarios.
2 strains of flu (pincher attack)
As most of my avid readers know, I am strangely obsessed with various strains of super viruses and diseases that have become prevalent over the past few years. Recently I have been following two strains, the H7N9 Avian Flu, which is a beefed up version of the 2009 H1N1 Avain FLu that made everyone scramble to the vaccination booths, as well as the new strain of SARS that has appeared in Saudia Arabia and then on to Britain and France.  I have avoided really going into this, as some of these get elevated to “Pandemic” levels and are really not much of a threat at all (Both previous versions of said afflictions). This case was a little different. This article will update you on all that was said previously.  The thing that really got my attention was the article I read on how China is CREATING these various animal related viruses in vet labs. They are looking for the most virulent strains, making them worse, and figuring out how to cross breed them with Human Influenza. I can’t tell if this is just pure stupidity, wanton disregard for humanity, or a more malicious attempt at creating a bio-weapon.
Machismo is Universal
If this story doesn’t prove that, nothing does. Two eagles in Minnesota got into a fight over territory. These two cowboys played interlocked talons so deeply, they were unable to fly. They played chicken (pun intended) all the way to the ground, with each refusing to let go of the other. Remarkable they were fine. A wildlife expert wrangled them in the back of her pickup. During the transfer back to the wild, one got up and bailed, leaving the other one. The driver heard him shout “And Stay Out!”.
To a woman, this seems really stupid, but as a man I toooootally get this. It’s hardwired into out DNA.