Machismo is Universal

If this story doesn’t prove that, nothing does.  Two eagles in Minnesota got into a fight over territory.  These two cowboys played interlocked talons so deeply, they were unable to fly.  They played chicken (pun intended) all the way to the ground, with each refusing to let go of the other.  Remarkable they were fine.  A wildlife expert wrangled them in the back of her pickup.  During the transfer back to the wild, one got up and bailed, leaving the other one.  The driver heard him shout “And Stay Out!”.

To a woman, this seems really stupid, but as a man I toooootally get this.  It’s hardwired into out DNA.

Horseman of Pestilence

This is the third post dedicated to disease since the FFP started rolling out worldwide.  Today’s submission is a crotch shot worthy of an Olympic basketball game.

Gonorrhea is on its way to being untreatable.  Let me repeat that:  Gonorreah is becoming UNTREATABLE due to overuse of anti-biotics.  We here at the FFP have a very strict screening process in place when it comes to potential sexual partners, but those with a less strict protocol should read this immediately.  Also this article was published by the Washington Post, outlining the long-term plan.

On top of that, in Minnesota a child died from an infection caused by an amoeba.  While admittedly this is a rare occurrence, it does come at a time when a lot of supposedly rare diseases are making a comeback.  Are the strains getting stronger, or are we getting weaker?