Third time is an act of war

The national conversation has been about Gun Control.  Regulating the way that citizens access and procure firearms.  I am not going to pick a side there, that is irrelevant.  What is interesting to me is that while talking about that, three separate government agencies have ordered an obscene amount of Hollow Point ammunition.  Hollow Point ammo CAN be used for target practice, and in fact they may be.  I have no idea what the actual intent is, however when I looked at the agencies ordering, it made my eyebrow go up.

As usual, Ales Jones was on top of this from the beginning.  It all started with the Department of Homeland Security committing to a large ammunition contract.

Now the DHS and ICE I get.  One could understand why they need lots of bullets, hollow point or not, for target practice or not.  The second report described how the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration contracted for a large number of ammo.  Okay, for me that’s a stretch, but I could even buy into them needing the ammo for something ocean/atmosphere related.

When you get to the third agency, that’s where the sell job becomes next to impossible.  The Social Security Administration has requested 174k rounds of hollow point bullets.  Read the article.  Alex and his staff do a great job of building a pretty compelling argument for social unrest being the mitigating factor.  Economic Collapse?  Presidential Campaigns?  An Assassination?  Who knows, but they are gearing up for something.

We Are The French in 1789

All of this rolled into the offices of the Funk Freedom Press this morning.  We here at the FFP try stay away from politics, but this is too crazy not to share.

We are in a class war.   Many of you know it, and if you don’t know it you should.  Bernie Sanders is an Independent senator from Vermont.  Watch this video as he really blows the lid off of the agenda of the wealthy.  The bulk of our leaders are in league with this diabolical corporate takeover, either willingly by purposefully passing corrupt legislation, or accidentally by taking obscene amounts of lobbyist campaign funds.
If we are to take this to its natural conclusion, then Alex Jones has offered a very scary look at the future.  I am not saying that will come to pass, but he always has verifiable backing and evidence to all of his claims, not the least of which is this video taken in Burbank California.  That really makes you think.