This is Scary: Drug Resistant TB outbreak in Downtown LA

As I just reported a few days ago, Drug Resistant TB is on the rise in some underdeveloped countries.  Well now it has struck Downtown Los Angeles.  This article from KCAL describes how the Feds are swarming to downtown LA, in search of infected people.  From the article, it is obvious that most of the infected are homeless.  This is scary for several reasons.  The first is that most of these people can’t afford the help they need, thus spreading it on to others.  Second since most are transient, the bacteria can spread all over the city.  This is disturbing not only because that puts everyone in the city at rick, but don’t forget that in other countries, the homeless have been targeted for medical trials against their will by pharmaceutical companies.  In Poland, several vagrants were infected with the Avian Flu for testing.  I am not saying this is what is happening here (yes I am), but it is definitely a possibility. The article never states where the origin of this outbreak was, or how it started.  And third and most important:  This is DRUG RESISTANT!  That means if you contract this, there is no cure, or it is very long, hard, and expensive.

If you live in LA, keep your ears open, but not your mouths.  TB is transmitted by the saliva from an infected person’s cough.  Wear a face mask.


Reemergence of Tuberculosis, now DRUG RESISTANT!

In South Africa, Tuberculosis has been evolving constantly.  It is a bacterial lung affliction that that is second only to HIV in the amount of people killed annually.  And that was when the HAD effective antibiotics.  It isn’t that the current antibiotics don’t work well.  They have been “not working well” for years now.  The phrase that is being used is “virtually untreatable”.  In extreme cases, years of hospitalization are required, with a harsh drug regimen.

I wondered why this only happens in Third World countries, and not here, then I realized that our advanced medical breakthroughs eliminate he disease here.  Unfortunately through that elimination process, the the diseases evolve and become stronger.  When they spread to other parts of the world, they are bigger, stronger, faster, and sometimes a new disease strain entirely.

The 2013 Disease Countdown

1.  The 2013 FLU season
2.  The Norovirus (Stomach Flu)
3.  Typhoid
4.  Saudi Arabian SARS (Technically started in 2012)
5.  Drug Resistant Tuberculosis