People are still dying in the capital of Uganda. How did this start and what caused it?
Tag Archives: Plagues
Ebola Outbreak
No Ebola in Uganda? Â That’s how many plagues now? Â 5?
We grew creeping closer to the magic number.
Modern Day Plagues
We should be taking notice.
Pertussis, also known as Whooping cough, was a major killer in the early part of this century. We thought we had it licked. Modern Medicine has all the answers. Then why is this happening? Why has the CDC published this? To calm us? To tell us this is normal? Was this story normal?
Kid dies within days after getting a small rash. He was swimming on vacation, in San Diego. They say could be flesh eating bacteria. I say it could be Fukushima Radiation. It’s in our rain, groundwater, and it’s going from bad to worse.
Bubonic plague, Whooping Cough, Mysterious rashes killing kids within days? And let’s not forget the OTHER Flesh eating bacteria (another strain of Staph infection) here, here and here. That’s San Diego, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Michigan. Oh, but wait they say there isn’t an epidemic. So everything’s fine.
I have NO idea what is going on. It really could be media sensationalism. I think no one wants to be the one that started the panic, whether it is warranted or not.
I just think we should take notice.