The Apple Empire

I know that there are millions of Funk Freedom Press fans that love their Apple products.  Since recently becoming the most valuable company in the history, I think it is wise to keep an eye on them, before they become Google.

Nonetheless, you aren’t here to listen to me rant about corporations becoming way too powerful (“Too Big To Fail”), you came here to get the best news on the net.  Well Apple has denied an App that tracks US drone strikes.  Yes an App that tells you how many people the US has killed with their drone program.  This information is available all over the net, and this designer just created a program that searches all this out and reports.  Apple denied it, not one, not twice, but three times!  Why?  Qualifies as Objectionable Content”.  I think that citizens of the US have a right to that information.  Why do they care?  They aren’t a defense contractor.  What’s in it for them?  That is the question.