Epidemic of Epidemics

I have heard several news sources echoing what I have been getting at in this blog for the past few months:  We are in a epidemic of epidemics.  This news article from the Washington Post is along the lines of what I have been saying, but it really only goes into the West Nile and the Yosemite Hantavirus.  Apparently they aren’t reading the Funk Freedom Press as religiously as they should be otherwise they would know about ALL the various diseases that are back en force (outlined here for new readers to the FFP) .  Coast to Coast recently dedicated half of their nightly show to the strange outbreaks that have been plaguing the US some of which slipped under my watchful eye.  People are taking note, and you read it here first.

Modern Psychic Theories

I have had some recent, very personal experiences with what is commonly referred to as Psychic Phenomenon, which has sparked a renewed interest in the subject.

In the past two weeks, I have been sent various articles, two of which were written by Dr.  Barry Taff, a friend of mine who’s bonafides include a doctorate in psychophysiology, as well as a research assistant at the UCLA Parapsychology lab from 1969 to 1978.  The history of that lab is outlined in here.  It is a little long, but well worth the read.

He also sent me an article on some of the stories and goals of that lab.  That article is located here.  Also a tad bit long, but some amazing stuff happened there.

And finally I came across this one from about how Freud, Jung and others took the field seriously.  Worth a read.

I don’t know if the time barrier is close enough between my experiences to reading these to call it a synchronicity, but worth noting.