In Piedmont Oklahoma (pronounced Peed Mont. It will be funny later), a 3 year old “In Potty Training” was outside playing, as kids of that age do. He has to take a whiz, but unfortunately he hasn’t quite nailed down the process. He can’t make it to a toilet, but luckily he is outside, so his mom tells him to let er fly. What the mom didn’t know was that Officer a-hole was on patrol, keeping things safe. Nothing ruins a nice quiet neighborhood like a toddler peeing outside. This guy does the right thing, and fines the kid 1,000 dollars for every year he’s been on this earth (around 3 grand). Public Urination. The officer did cut the kid a break, and didn’t slap the cuffs on him. His mom was there for crissakes.
Oh did I mention they were on their own property? They were on their own property.