Bigfoot Squashing

A Montana man was struck and killed on a highway pretending to be Bigfoot.  If that doesn’t deserve a Darwin award, I don’t know what does.  This fool had on a sniper-like outfit, and was trying to provoke people into calling in a Bigfoot sighting.  While doing this, he was struck by a 15 year old, and a 17 year old driving to school.  Let’s ignore the fact that a 15 year old was driving.  Now, because of this idiot, two High School girls have to live with the fact that they accidentally killed a man.  I could spend hours trying to convince them they did the world a favor, but that is not going to change their lives from this point on.

I am not one to wish harm on others, not am I happy this happened.  I think Karma had a part to play.  While I do not take Bigfoot seriously, others do.  It is moronic hoaxers like this that ruin, and muddy the waters for people who take these subjects seriously and want to get to the bottom of the mysteries of the world.