And _______ was his name O

What do you think would elicit 90 days in the clink?  Domestic violence?  Multiple DUI Charges?  Killing a baby?  Yelling BINGO in a crowded bingo hall?  If you said “all of these” you are of genius level intelligence (This is opinion, not fact).

In my latest and ongoing attack on our most useless state Kentucky, A 18 year-old prankster yelled “BINGO” in a PACKED house of old ladies.  Now if you have ever been to Bingo with your grandma (I have), then you are completely aware of how absolutely HILARIOUS this is.  Nothing is more comical than old ladies screaming and cursing at you.  This, however, is where the hilarity ends.

A cop cuffs him, tossed him into the back of a cruiser, and he gets 90 days in jail, and a 250 dollar fine!  Not only that, he is not allowed to say the word BINGO for 6 months!  This is truly insane.  How did the cop know  the kid wasn’t a farmer who had a dog, and it just HAPPENED that Bingo was his name-o?  He didn’t know, he didn’t even ask!  That’s just shoddy investigative police work.  Not to be dramatic, but how is the ACLU not involved?  This is extreme over reaching of government.   I am glad this is making national headlines on the FFP.
This is similar to the “Yelling ‘Fire!’ in a crowded theater” argument, while it is not protected under Free Speech, I hardly think this deserves criminal prosecution.   Since this cop clearly has nothing to do, maybe they should send him to Sacramento CA or Camden NJ.