The Greatest Story Ever Stole(n)

Crazy story.  A waitress loses her wallet while out with some pals.  She knows someone has grabbed it because checks get written in her name, credit cards used, etc.,  two weeks of hell.  You finally get everything cancelled, and get life back on track.  You go to work, and four teenagers get seated in your area.  Nothing particularly noteworthy, except that one of the girls orders a margarita.  Seems young, but with medical procedures these days who knows.  She asks her for an ID.  The girl reaches into her wallet and pulls out her drivers license.   The waitress takes a look at it and realized it’s HER STOLEN ID!    BUSTED

This is where she totally impresses me.  She calmly walks back, calls the police, and pretends like everything is cool until they get there.  How great would that be?!  If my identity had been compromised, OH MY GOD would it feel awesome to know I had that A-hole dead to rights.  Just sitting there, smirking, drinking his appletini, yucking it up.  All the while knowing his days were numbered, that he would soon be behind bars.  Well not necessarily behind bars, but maybe arrested IN the bar, then forced to pay back the charges along with the fines.  No real jail time to speak of, possibly some community service, etc.  Yeah that would be nice….

Read the story here.