As I am sure everyone is aware, Hostess is going out of business. This entire story has more plot twists than a Mexican telenovella. They have been filed for bankruptcy protection twice in the last 5 years, has falling sales for the last 9 years straight, and were suffering from a workers strike. The company blamed strike for the company finally going out of business, and others say that the top executives were paying themselves more than the company was profiting. Either way, this story has generated a LOT of panic. Boxes of Twinkies and Ho Ho’s were going for 100 bucks a box on Ebay.
Was it the push for healthier food that was driving down the profits? Who knows. All I know is that I am totally conflicted on this subject. As a certified health nut, all of their products are barely food, which contain all or mostly GMO’s. They are the food equivalent of ingesting a box of cigarettes. I don’t think there would be this kind of outcry if Marlboro was closing its plantations. Why is that?
Four words: They are freaking delicious. Seriously. Have you guys had a Hostess cupcakes? They are unbelievable. I have never been a Twinkie fan, but I do love their Ho Ho’s. I am also a huge fan of regular Ho’s (not a Hostess product).
Along that vein, an online petition was put up, asking President Obama to nationalize the Twinkie industry. This had me laughing for about 20 mins. Pretty funny idea. They need 25,000 signatures, they have around 3.5 thousand. Not the pace they were hoping for.
Bad news. Or is it? Maybe this is a California thing (because we are so close to Mexico, and have a large Mexican population), but in a lot of stores here, there is a Mexican company called Bimbo. I’ve had a lot of laughs over this, because well I think it’s obvious. I see big trucks with “Bimbo” written on the side ALL OVER LA. Their mascot is a total rip-off of the Pilsbury Dough man. The Bimbo Bear is totally white, is wearing a chef hat, and is relatively adorable, while his Jewish counterpart, Mr Doughman is an androgynous ball of biscuit batter. Other than that, *CLAP* IDENTICAL. These guy (Bimbo, not the mascots) are interested in buying all or parts of the Hostess brand. They already own Entenmann’s, and Sara Lee.
My pro-American side says that while I wouldn’t want Little Debbie to snatch it up and create the most delicious monopoly in the history of the Universe, I would like it to remain American. On the other hand, by Health Nut thinks it wouldn’t be the worst thing of this processed food giant went belly up. See, I’m very confused.