What do The Hulk, Doc Samson, She-Hulk, The Abomination, Spiderman, Daredevil, The Fantastic Four, The Leader, (Have I listed EVERY Marvel superhero yet?) and a Supernova burst have in common? They are all defined by Gamma Radiation.
Scientists are monitoring Supernova GRB 130427A and the amount and frequency of its gamma radiation release is changing the way we think about collapsed massive stars. Turns out, it has shot more Gamma Radiation at the earth than any other supernova in history! If you like astrophysics, comic books, or life on this earth, you should make sure to read this article.
Given the obvious opportunity to become an instant bad ass with a minimum, albeit random downside, be on the lookout for super-powered scientists in the next 3-6 months, provided we aren’t all granted with heightened senses and super-strength.